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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Are there any underlying causes of osteoporosis such as thyroid disorders?

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    Ryan Hislop is the Clinical Director at the Orange Chiropractic Health and Wellness Centre. As an experienced and evidence-based diagnostician, Ryan works largely by medical … View Profile

    Osteoporosis has a multitude of factors; however yes, there are specific causes that may lead to what is known as generalised osteoporosis.

    The 2 most common causes of generalised osteoporosis are:
    - senile and postmenopausal osteoporosis and,
    - malignant bone disease (muptiple myelome, etc)

    Others include:
    - Acromegaly
    - Alcoholism
    - Hemolytic anemia
    - Heparin therapy
    - Hyperparathyroidism
    - Hyperthyroidism
    - Steroids (therapy, Cushing's)

    There are also other types of osteoporosis called regional and localised which have differend causes.

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    Mr Amro Labib

    Breast Surgeon, Endocrine Surgeon, General Surgeon

    One of the common causes of Osteoporosis is an overactive Parathyroid gland , a benign condition called (Primary HyperParaThyroidism) or HPT 

    In this condition there will be an abnormal growth of one of the parathyroid glands that results in elevating the blood calcium in the blood and reducing the amount of calcium in the bones which eventually lead to osteoporosis if untreated.

    The diagnosis of HPT is easy through a simple blood test where both calcium levels as well as PTH (Para Thyroid Hormone) are found to be higher than normal.

    Treatment is also easy now with the minimally invasive parathyroid surgery technique. 

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