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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    When is obesity surgery recommended?

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  • Dr Philip Le Page

    Bariatric (Obesity) Surgeon, General Surgeon, Laparoscopic Surgeon, Upper GI Surgeon (Abdominal)

    Dr Le Page is one of Sydney's leading Laparoscopic, Upper GIT, Obesity and General surgeons. He has an established practice in Sydney treating both private … View Profile

    Obesity surgery is usually recommended when alternative weight loss options have not been successful and the person's health is at risk. It can help individuals gain control over their weight.

    Sleeve gastrectomy, gastric banding and gastric bypass are the most common type of procedures for the treament of obesity in Australia and worldwide.

    Official statistics from Australia's National Bariatric Surgery Registry show that in 2020 sleeve gastrectomy was undertaken for 82% of all bariatric surgery patients.

    A balanced assessment is made by a bariatric surgeon when determining an appropriate type of surgery for you. The doctor will factor in the risks of obesity, the amount of weight you need to lose, other medical conditions you have, the chances of success and the possible side effects of surgery.

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