The gallbladder is an organ found in the right side (usually) of the abdomen under the liver. Its function is to store bile until it's needed for digestion. When we eat, the gallbladder contracts, or squeezes, to send bile into your digestive tract. Once in the digestive system, bile works to help digest fatty food.
Usually the body copes quite well after removal of the gallbladder and majority of the people don't notice any significant difference. However, some people do report bloating after meals (especially fatty food), abdominal cramps, loose bowel actions, frothy or foul smelling bowel movements, etc. These symptoms are referred to as Post Cholecystectomy Syndrome and often are quite mild and settle spontaneously in a few weeks. As a routine, we do NOT recommend any specific dietary restrictions or limitations to your daily activities after surgery for gallbladder removal. If you still have questions or to address your specific issues, please discuss with the surgeon.
The advice provided here is generic and does not take your particular circumstances into account. Please seek independent advice for your situation.