I have had an X-ray done which shows an L4 forward slip over L5 and am waiting on a CT scan. My doctor suggested that physiotherapy may help with the pain until more information is available. I have had lower back pain for years due to a car accident but this is much worse.
I have severe pain down one side in my buttocks continuing down my leg, and pins and needles in my foot and this is affecting my everyday life. I cannot take anti-inflammatory medications due to a heart problem. I find it difficult to see a physiotherapist as I work till 6 pm and no physiotherapist opens on Saturday. I have also taken paracetamol & codeine for my lower back pain which has helped but my Dr wants me to cut back on these as well.
I have read about the best exercises for lumbar pain but these only go so far. I am trying to do everything possible to alleviate my pain but have not been very successful. I have always been very active and I have to work but it is a daily struggle at the moment. Is there anything I can do to help?
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