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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    What can cause intermittent pain in both feet (non-injury)?

    I have diabetes and have nerve pain in my feet. This is a constant issue which has been identified. There is also a much stronger pain which I can only equate to like having a tooth ache in my feet. It comes and goes, usually for a few days at a time then backs off for a week or so then comes back. So far I have had X-rays and an ultrasound with no results. I have been to a podiatrist who tried various strappings etc. but this did nothing. This pain occurs in both feet and can vary as to which side is worse.I have also had a back X-ray which showed nothing out of the ordinary. My GP wants to send me to an orthopaedic surgeon but I am unclear if this will help as I don't know if I need surgery - no one can figure out what is causing the pain. I don't have private health insurance and am not able to stand at work for more than half an hour at a time. I am really worried about the cost.
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  • I strongly suspect that the pain you are experiencing is secondary to your Diabetes. Even well controlled diabetes can cause the nerves in your feet to not function normally. If the pain is quite global this is likely the cause. A MRI scan is a good test when you have pain localised to a specific region but I agree with you that it is unlikely to add anything further to your diagnosis. It sounds like your GP has done a good job so far especially with investigating your back! Hope you get some relief.

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