Social Worker
Hello Meredith
I hope you are recovering well after your procedure - I understand how unpleasant it is from personal experience.
There would have been a bisopsy taken and tested prior to the procedure during your colposcopy, as this would have been how they discovered the CIN3. They may do testing again during the LLETZ procedure but I believe it is generally to remove the affected cells / area.
You should absolutely have a follow up appointment to check healing has progressed normally and to establish the procedure was indeed successful. You could follow this up where you had your procedure, with your Gynocologist, or with your GP.
"Follow up appointments are very important to ensure that all of the abnormal cells have been removed." - sited at
One Gynocologist suggests follow-up appointments at 2 weeks and again at 6 months. - sited at
You should seek medical attention if you experience:
- sited at
Additional information that may assist:
I hope this answers your questions Meredith. I wish you a speedy recovery and a well future :)
All the best, Bree ♥
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