Dentist, Oral Surgeon
Yes, Veneers can be claimed under Private Health. There are 2 types of veneers. The porcelain indirect (classic hollywood) veneers, which are made by a technician, are classed as major dental and average around $1000-1200 per tooth, so you will find that your healthfund will only cover 1 per year.
You can also have direct resin veneers done in the chair (Same day) which are arguably not as strong, and arguably not as good long-term and in terms of aesthetics, but they still do a great job. These are also covered under your health fund, and may be classed as minor dental in some cases which will mean you get alot more back. They are also alot cheaper.
Hope this helps.
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to your account or now (it's free).Dentist
Depends on the Health Fund company, some will cover it and some won't. It is considered a cosmetic procedure. Discuss with your dentist what options are available for you as veneers may not always be the best option, for instance some tetracycline stained teeth can be improved simply by professional whitening.
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