Sorry to about your head and neck.
We definately need some more informtation regarding your headaches. Where are they? How long do they last? Are they getting worse? More frequent? Are you getting other symptoms during, prior to or after the headaches? Is there anything that you can identify that sets them off?
Muscle tension is controlled by the nervous system. So you need to work out why they are trying to protect this area. Is it posturally related from being behind a computer? Is it overload with lots of overhead movements at the gym or is it to do with poor breathing mechanics, stress etc?
Headaches can be very individual and unique exqperiences for each person and so thats the way we need to treat them. It may be time for another opinion on what is causing these issues to keep coming back. Now I'm certainly biased, but osteopaths reguarly treat headaches so perhaps it is worth a go.
If you would like some more information on Osteopathy you can read this short explanation -
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