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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    My partner says he is depressed. He has left to see his mum but won't talk to me

    We have been together a year and a half. It has been great, however, we have had a lot problems with my ex who is keeping my kids away - we haven't seen them for months and don't know where they are. All of a sudden, my partner texts me saying he is depressed and needs time and he left to stay at his mums which is miles away. He hardly speaks to me and is not loving anymore but says it's not me. I don't know want to do, it's like we don't exist to him. I have 2 kids who he texts and he told them he is depressed and he needs to do this to be a better partner and father. I'm so lost and hurt
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  • I have been working in Eltham, Melbourne as a relationship and family counsellor for over twelve years. I draw on current theory and research about … View Profile

    It must be very confusing for you to try and make sense of your current and ex- partner's behaviour - you haven't had a say in their decision to take actions that affect you and your children, so naturally you are feeling so lost and hurt. It would be important for you to get some support for yourself, to have a space where you can think about what you and the children need to cope with the situation you find yourselves in. You don't say if your current partner has been diagnosed with depression, or if he has sought out help from professionals to treat this. Effective treatment is out there, and if your partner is accessing this he will be in the best position to then make decisions about how to move forward in his relationships as a partner and a Dad.

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