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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    How can I find motivation to function in life?

    I have recently turned 40 and have had depression for a few years now. However I have now gotten to the point where I'm so overwhelmed by life that I can't function at my job and have found that I have no motivation for life. Whilst I have not tried to hurt myself, it has crossed my mind.....only my children and family are what make me stray away from those thoughts. I really want to find happiness again in life and function properly for my kids and family.
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    I have been working in Eltham, Melbourne as a relationship and family counsellor for over twelve years. I draw on current theory and research about … View Profile

    Depression is a horrible illness, and lack of motivation is of course a symptom of depression. You don't mention if you are receiving treatment - if so, it may be important to ask that you have your medication and other treatment options reviewed. It may be helpful to ask your GP for a referral to a psychiatrist to review this thoroughly. If you are not currently seeing a psychologist and/or taking anti-depressants, it may be helpful to have a chat to your GP to look at medication and get a referral for psychological help.

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