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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    I've had a croaky voice for 7 weeks. What should I do?

    My voice went croaky 7 weeks ago and is showing no sign of returning to normal. Not really sure why or what I should do.
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    Over 20 years of experience, including international, in the assessment, rehabilitation and management of language, communication and swallowing disorders resulting from stroke, ABI or progressive … View Profile

    A croaky voice can have a number of causes. 

    Underactive Thyroid

    Esophageal Reflux ( Chronic heart burn/acid reflux)

    Use of powder based inhalers such as Symbicort or Pulmocort

    Vocal abuse (talking over loud noises, smoking or smokey environments, dry air, drying medications)

    Development of vocal nodules or cord paralysis from surgery or stroke.

    Stress or unresolved emotional events can result in Conversion Dysphonia

    Discuss with your GP and see an ENT and or speech pathologist if it doesn't resolve.

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    Dr Matt Broadhurst is a fellowship trained laryngeal surgeon specialising in laryngeal surgery and voice restoration. He returned to Brisbane from Boston, Massachusetts in 2007 … View Profile

    Most commonly, a hoarse voice from over use or a cold should resolve within weeks.  Any hoarseness lasting more than 3 weeks really should be investigated with videostroboscopy, a unique video system to look a slow motion of the vocal folds.  Persisting hoarseness can be from a cyst or polyp with voice overuse, or a vocal fold paralysis associated with a cold.  Rarely, it can be cancer/pre cancer with the right history of age, smoking, male etc.

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