Clinical Psychologist, Psychologist
Having a supportive network is helpful but inevitably it is up to the individual themselves to help themself. I would suggest to keep trying to search for a bulk billing psychologist around your preferred area. the australian psychological society has a 'find a psychologist' section can be a good start to get contact details to enquire about whether they bulk bill. I would also suggest to speak withhis gp if havent already done so to help locate a bulk billing psychologist.
Often people question what is wrong with them but the question is what has happened to the person that has led to them feeling the way they do. Ideally, it is more helpful to focus on increasing awareness and undeŕstanding of our thoughts and feelings, allowing them to come and go rather than trying to control them. There is also a commin tendency to spring into 'action mode' in attempts to quickly alleviate the feelings. However, active listening and validation of feelings can often be the fundamental 'strategy' to utilise.
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to your account or now (it's free).Agrees
Depression is really hard on relationships! As Stephanie says, it is up to your boyfriend to access and make use of medical treatment and/or psychological help - this is NOT your responsibility, and trying to take responsibility for that will not be helpful to you or your boyfriend. You may benefit from a couple of things - Sane Australia and Beyond Blue websites have great online resources for family and friends of people with depression You may also benefit from counselling for yourself, to have a space just for you where you can be supported to think about your own self-care, and work on strategies that will help you in your relationship. Carers Australia offer funded counselling to family members of people with a diagnosed mental illness (they will link you to a counsellor close to where you are) Relationship counselling may also be beneficial, to help you and your boyfriend together discuss the impact of his depression on your relationship, and assist you to work together on ways to manage this differently. All the best
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Sound like your boyfriend has Chronic Depression and you have both tried your best so far. Although there is often Psychological causes and reasons for this, a Biological predisposition is also found. Does he have a family history of Depression or Heavy Alcohol or Drug use? Depression can run in families, just like Hypertension or Diabetes.
Agree that some couples work would be helpful.
To best help your partner, I hope he has good insight into his illness. Eliminating substances like Alcohol, Drugs and Comfort Eating will help. Exercise, sunlight and learning Meditation can help too. Psychological help with Chronic Depression is a specialised find someone who can do this.
He needs a good GP. Psychiatric Assessment is needed. Try your local Mental Health Services to find out if there is a Psychiatrist who specialises in Mood Disorders. Otherwise you can get a referral to the Black Dog Institute for an Assessment.
Best wishes.
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Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Social Worker
I also believe that it may be useful for you to obtain a specialist counselling to support you as a carer, as per Vivienne's advice above. In addition to this, you could also ask your friends and family to be available for you to talk when required. Injecting some exercise and fun into life may also be a good strategy for you to relax and allow some lighthearted time to balance your day. This way you would ensure that you are well supported and regaining your strengths to continue supporting your boyfriend.
I would also like to encourage you to please be kind to yourself and refrain from negative thoughts, such as guilt and self blame. Not everyone has the expertise to talk people through their feelings, especially if depression or mental illness is concerned. Often this is the purpose of a specialist, professional counselling. You can however be a supportive partner in the way you know how to be. And in situation of conflict you have the choice to leave the room and discuss the particular issue later, when both of you are in a better mood.
As already pointed out, your boyfriend can access various mental health support services. He could also ask his doctor for a bulk billed psychological counselling under the mental health plan to assist in talking through and dealing with his feelings.
With warm regards
Alicja Weidner.
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Clinical Psychologist, Psychologist
There is some very helpful information here, so I'm just going to add a few brief points about things that you might also find helpful.
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