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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    At what stage/size is Lipoma removal recommended?

    Over the past 20 years a number of diagnosed, benign Lipoma have appeared on my Limbs and Torso. Now numbering over 20 (and ranging in size from pea, to Broadbean) I am considering removal but I've received mixed responses from GP's and Specialists as to the reason for their appearance, location (they're often grouped and concentrated in specific areas) and whether they would return if removed? I'm increasingly conscious of the Lipoma on my arms (in particular) some of which cause discomfort when working on certain desks (and leaning on them as I type).
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    Dr Flapper is a craniofacial surgeon in Adelaide. Following the completion of his training as a plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Dr Flapper completed a post … View Profile

    A lipoma is a benign growth comprising a clump of fat cells. The decision to remove them is therefore one of either appearance or interference with function/discomfort etc. The decision is wether it is worse having a lipoma or a scar where the lipoma was. Most scars heal well and are relatively inconspicuous. 

    Lipomas do not tend to recur following surgical removal although new lesions may develop over time.

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