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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    How do I overcome PTSD, anxiety and depression from a traumatic birth?

    I have been suffering anxiety, depression, flashbacks and low self esteem since I almost died with my last pregnancy (18 months ago). I have 2 children (1 and 4 years old) and life is sometimes overwhelming as I try to overcome my issues while trying to be the best mum I can to my children. When I was in hospital with preeclampsia, I got extremely sick, which resulted in my daughter being induced a month early and then I ended up in intensive care. The most traumatic part for me was that hospital staff didn't realise I had then developed severe post natal pre-eclampsia and they made mistakes, mistreated me, didn't listen to my symptoms and convinced me it was just anxiety. But while I did have anxiety in hospital with all the stress of what was happening with my baby and I, I also knew I was getting worse physically. In the end I almost had a seizure and ended up on magnesium sulphate. I later developed post natal depression and was hospitalized. How do I overcome all this?
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  • Dr Lucinda Smith is a perinatal psychiatrist, Co Founder and Director of GLOW Perinatal Emotional Health and Wellbeing Clinic Berwick, who has worked in perinatal … View Profile

    It sounds like you have a very difficult time since your last preganncy.  A truamatic pregancy  / delivery with medical complications is one of the risk factors for developing post natal depression and or anxiety.

    A good place to start would be visiting your GP to talk through your symptoms and difficulties more thoroughly. A referral could then be made to a psychologist or psychiatrist experienced in the perinatal field to assist in overcoming your difficulties.  This would most likely include talking therapy and reviewing the need for medication.

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