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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    How much weight should I lose per week?

    Related Topic
    I'm trying to better my diet and cut out all sugars and general bad foods. Previously, I have been eating a lot of junk food, and having a lot of soft drink. The last couple of weeks I have decided to clean up my diet and drink nothing but water. I have lost 6.6kg in the first two weeks. I was searching around and I see that it's bad to lose so much weight that fast and can lead to problems. But I don't know what I'm doing wrong, all I have done is cut out all bad food, and made a conscious effort to exercise everyday. Is it true that it is bad to lose weight this quickly? Starting weight 103.3 - 99.9 - 96.3. Height 5"11
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    The Accredited Practising Dietitian members of Healthshare are better able to offer you detailed advice than I am.

    My understanding is that a weight-loss of 1 kg/week or so is seen as being sustainable - more than that may not be.

    You might find the general information here helpful;

    All the best.


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