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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Why do I still experience lower abdo pain in addition to lower back and hip pain post successful cervical cancer surgery?

    Last year, I was diagnosed with high-grade cin3 and high-grade hpv. I had surgery to have the polyp removed in august and then a follow-up pap test, which was negative 6 months later. And then will have another follow up pap next month. I recently found out my grandmother had polyps for many years but dont know what, if anything, was in them. She did how ever pass away from a tumor that was in her bladder. What i would like to know is what should i be expecting my gyno to do after the next pap if it is clear as i still get lower abdo pain all the time in addition to lower back and hip pain. What's going on?
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    Do you suffer from chronic lower back pain or neck pain? Based in SYDNEY, Sandra is 1 of ONLY 15 Physiotherapists in Australia with ADVANCED … View Profile

    You want to get the all clear with respect to the cancer.  However, your back and hip pain may be a separate issue and be "musculoskeletal" in origin - which means it is coming from the discs, joints, ligaments, discs etc.

    A McKenzie Method trained physio would be able to perform a mechanical assessment to find out whether the pain is "musculoskeletal" in origin.  Hope this helps.  (To find out more about the McKenzie Method - GOOGLE it)

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