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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Could you recommend some mental health professionals?

    My 73 yr old mother and 25 yr old daughter have agreed to committing to some counselling as both are having difficulty coping with some trauma and depressive type issues.

    I don't know whether I should be looking for a psychologist or clinical psychologist.

    Thank you in anticipation
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  • Empowering people is my passion and life work. I have been working as a Clinical Psychologist in private practice for over thirty years. I have … View Profile

    When looking for a psychologist,  you want to find somebody who  is experienced, has a good reputation and has worked extensively in your area of difficulty. Moreover, you should source somebody who is trained in providing evidence-based treatment for trauma and depression.

    Clinical psychologists have had tertiary training in mental health issues but not all clinical psychologists have necessarily worked a lot with trauma.  

    Your mother and daughter each  need to find  a psychologist with whom they connect.Moreover, each need to like and trust their psychologist, as well as his/her treatment style, for the best result. 

    In short, academic qualifications are important but not sufficient. These other factors that I mention also contribute to the success of treatment.

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