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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Why does my child have a blocked nose even after adenoid and tonsil removal?

    My 7 years old son had his Tonsils and Adenoids removed by a ENT Surgeon about 4 months ago. We were assured that his stuffy nose issue will be resolved after this. He always was a mouth breather but never really struggled to breath at nights. But after the operation, we have noticed that he is really struggling and stuffy nose problem has worsened rather than improving. We as parents really feel for him. Sometimes he is so agitated that he starts crying. We went to the same surgeon again and he gave us a nasal spray which didn't help at all. Can you please suggest what we should do to get our son out of his troubles. Thanks
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  • Your son needs to be re- evaluated to assess where the source of obstruction is.

    2 things come to mind - either he has really large turbinates (which are the air filters at the entrance into the nose) or the adenoids have grown back, tho it seems early for this. 

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