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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Why does my husband get fatigued so severely?

    My husband has sore muscles, headaches, tiredness and feelings of nausea. If he has a game of golf it will take him a day to get over it and if he does anything more strenuous it will be days. We have tried completely cutting out sugar and alcohol and processed foods with no change and we don't know where to go from here.
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    I have a special interest in gut health and food intolerances such as fructose malabsorption, lactose intolerance and coeliac disease. Having personally resolved my gut … View Profile

    I recommend that he starts recording his food intake as a diet diary to pin point what foods affect him and causes symptoms.

    How is his sleep? Stress levels? All these impact on energy levels. Being nutrient deficient in protein can also affect energy levels. Make sure to have protein with each meal (e.g. fish/chicken/beef/eggs). Explore a whole food diet, 5 different coloured fruit and vegetables a day - less sugar and processed foods.  Nutritional supplementation / Herbal tonics might be required when necessary.

    Also get his Iron status checked out through the GP, to rule out iron deficiency that can be causing his fatigue.

  • It is really important to know what is the cause of the tiredness and muscle soreness, and this needs to be investigated first.Then you can  target your treatment to the problem. I would encourage you to see your GP to get the help and diagnosis you require who will help you get the best treatment.

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    I am a GP with an interest in all aspects of general practice. I have significant experience in urgent care, the treatment of urgent, non-life … View Profile

    Tiredness is a very common but also important symptom that GPs (General Practitioners) see very often.

    There are so many causes of tiredness. They can be of a physical nature, or due to psychological or lifestyle causes.

    The exact reason for the tiredness can take some time to find out. Often GPs will require an initial long appointment and subsequent appointments to identify causes, or rule out serious causes. The other symptoms of headache, nausea and muscle aches are very useful information for the GP to search for causes. The more information you can provide about other symptoms, the more targeted the investigations.

    Once the cause (or causes in some cases) is identified, an appropriate treatment plan can be arranged which can involve lifestyle changes, other health professionals or other treatments.

    Practicing a healthy lifestyle is always good advice. These are things like having a healthy balanced diet, exercising regularly within safe limits, getting enough sleep each day and having positive social contact with others.

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