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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    How do I accept my long term relationship break-up and move on?

    I'm 44 with no children and my partner of 10 years has left me. We had so many things in common and he was my best friend.

    We argued a lot without resolving issues but he didn't want to see a relationship counsellor.

    He says we just can't live together anymore.

    I'm completely lost and feel unable to let go.

    How do I move on?
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    I have been working in Eltham, Melbourne as a relationship and family counsellor for over twelve years. I draw on current theory and research about … View Profile

    It's so hard to be in the situation where no matter what you do, you haven't been able to influence your partner's decision to work on your relationship in order to make the positive changes that are needed. You are now, as Paul has said, grieving for the loss of your relationship, and you certainly may benefit from seeking support for this through counselling. You may also find it helpful to reflect with a trained relationship counsellor about your experience of the relationship, in order to move foward with an understanding both of what went wrong as well as of your own strengths and challenges in relationship.

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