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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    How can I lose weight when I have problems eating veggies and salad?

    I suffer from Ulcerative colitis and also am a diabetic I want to eat the healthy foods like veggies and salads but must of these food groups can affect my IBD.

    How can I lose weight control my diabetes when I have problems eating these type of food.

    What food do you recommend that I eat?
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  • 2


    Vangel Rizos

    HealthShare Member

    Hi,  you might need to just substitute a few of the foods you normally eat to get it right, so to make it easier to help you please provide your age, weight, and height, and a  list of what you eat and drink, ( even coffee, tea, water, drink, zero, anything you put in your mouth )  and what exercise you do every day for 7 days.  Not a typical week an actual week starting from today.

    I only consult with obese and over weight ( many of my clients are diabetic.)   

  • Anonymous

    do you want me to respond to this post with this information?

  • 2


    Vangel Rizos

    HealthShare Member

    Yes, maybe do 1 day at a time if you find it easier. 

  • Anonymous

    Okay thank you I will do that I've been a bit unwell so haven't started my food diary but will do thank you once again 

  • anne j

    HealthShare Member

    this is what I ate so far today Breakfast: Ensure Plus AND A Black Coffee LUNCH: sour dough white bread roll with Ham; tomoto lettuce cucumber sandwhich no butter; afternoon tea chocolate and some chips:( Dinner chicken and rice soup and freshly squeezed cabbage; kale and carrot juice.

  • 1


    Vangel Rizos

    HealthShare Member

    thanks anneabell, you are still reasonably anonymos,  so I dont think it would be embarrassing if gave your weight age and gender, to make a few better recomendations for you.  

    Hay, Not bad,  looks like you do have veggies and salad. 
    for now this should help
    1)  please give us  your age weight and gender
    2) anything else you drank,  I was hoping for some glassess of water.
    3) substitute the white bread for wholemeal,
    4) leave or cut down,  the chocolate and chips for a while,
    5) more veggies, sure, but  you also need 2 fruit a day,  an apple, orange, banana, ?  pear, ?   
    6) don't juice,  its great to see you do consume veggies but not in this way,    leave juicing  for once a week if you must,  your diet  is low in fiber and needs the fiber of the whole veggie. have them raw, microwaved, boiled, but dont just drink the juice. 
    7) please state any activity,  what do you do at work or home,  ? sit or stand, walk.  you have to  exercising,   try some dancing, put on your favorit song, or look on youtube for some full body exercises that work and stretch your major muscle groups,  that you can do ( very hard to find ) good luck, or walk,  30 minutes a day minimum,  I can point you in the right direction with your age weight and gender. 

    the more information you give us,  the more  we can help,  hay this is a free service that will help you save your life. 

    others reading might also get the courage to aslo ask for help. 

    Vangel,  WLE,  I only consult obese and overweight. 

  • anne j

    HealthShare Member

    Hi Vangel 
    I am 52 years old female and currently weigh 85 kilos but this goes up and down.  As mentioned I suffer from refractory Ulcerative Colitis (UC), diabetes type 2 and do have an eating disorder where I can binge and other times I am afraid to eat because of my UC.  I drink water all day but didn’t keep a record of how many glasses but I do drink my recommended 2 litres or more of water daily. I also drink coconut water but not every day. I usually consume a mug of black coffee a day and have 1 or 2 cups of black tea or green tea.

    I don’t juice all the time but the reason I juice is because I don’t do fibre to well and it is easy for me to digest then to eat the vegies so when I haven't eating much vegies I juice some to get some of the vitamins from them so I juice must of my vegies then consume them when I do eat vegies I steam stir fry bake or make salads but like mention some times they don't sit well for me.   I have tried to eat wholemeal breqad previously but it gave me intestinal gas etc., so have avoided it but I will give it a go again and see if I can tolerate it.
     Oh I did eat an orange last night  and an apple after lunch I do eat fruit but have the same relationship with fruit like I do with vegetables.  When I have my Ensure Plus for times I don’t feel like eating I sometimes put in a frozen banana and blitz it in a blender.

    I normally do Pilates / go to the gym for ½ an hour once a week but that has been put on hold at the moment but hoping to get back into it again in a few weeks’ time. When I am at work I go for a 1 or a ½ hour walk admittedly this is to the shops browsing then I walk back to walk. My job involves sitting down and walking to clients offices if I am unable to fix the problems for them remotely as I work in IT. I spend 4 hours a day commuting to work and back each day.  I also suffer from mechanical sacroiliitis; joint pain inflammation from my ulcerative colitis, L&R shoulder bursitis, tennis elbow, and lower back pain. Yes I have been in the wars. 
    If you want me to continue with my eating diary etc., I am happy to continue if you are ok to still help.
    Thank you
    Anneabell  Hi Vangel 
    I am 52 years old female and currently weigh 85 kilos but this goes up and down.  As mentioned I suffer from refractory Ulcerative Colitis (UC), diabetes type 2 and do have an eating disorder where I can binge and other times I am afraid to eat because of my UC.  I drink water all day but didn’t keep a record of how many glasses but I do drink my recommended 2 litres or more of water daily. I also drink coconut water but not every day. I usually consume a mug of black coffee a day and have 1 or 2 cups of black tea or green tea.

    I don’t juice all the time but the reason I juice is because I don’t do fibre to well and it is easy for me to digest then to eat the vegies as it can sometimes affects my Ulcerative Colitis (UC) so I juice must of my vegies then consume them when I do eat vegies I steam stir fry bake or make salads but don’t eat as much like I use to.    I have tried to eat wholemeal previously but it gave me intestinal gas etc., and can affect my UC so have avoided it but I will give it a go again and see if I can tolerate it.
     Oh I did eat an orange last night  and an apple after lunch I do eat fruit but only when I feel I can tolerate it sometimes when I make my Ensure Plus when I don’t feel like eating I put in a frozen banana and blitz it in a pulsar.

    I normally do Pilates / go to the gym for ½ an hour once a week but that has been put on hold at the moment but hoping to get back into it again in a few weeks’ time. When I am at work I go for a 1 or a ½ hour walk admittedly this is to the shops browsing then I walk back to walk. My job involves sitting down and walking to clients offices if I am unable to fix the problems for them remotely as I work in IT. I spend 4 hours a day commuting to work and back each day. I also suffer from mechanical sacroiliitis; joint pain inflammation from my ulcerative colitis, L&R shoulder bursitis, tennis elbow, and lower back pain. Yes I have been in the wars. 
    If you want me to continue with my eating diary I am happy to continue if you are ok to still help.
    Thank you
     juice all  

  • anne j

    HealthShare Member

    sorry not sure why my post has posted like this

  • 2



    HealthShare Member

    Dear Vangel,
    I was surprised by your diet suggestions. Whilst fine for diabetes, if Annabel has ulcerative colitis, I would doubt that adding more fibre , taking up whole meal bread or adding more fruit will help her condition. It would definitely aggravate mine!

    just a bit confused.

  • anne j

    HealthShare Member

    Hi Antigone thank you for your response I'm guessing you have Ibd also yes bit concern also with the extra Fibre I'm also thinking same but y ma  try what Vangel suggests re time eating etc but if not sit well then I will definitely stop

  • 1


    Vangel Rizos

    HealthShare Member

    Hi Anneabell,

    Thanks for the extra info,

    Hay every ones weight goes up and down,  even upto 2 kilos a day, its normal. Its not your fat that gives this frequent fluctuation, normally its the 3- 6 kilos in your digestive system.  

    Weigh your self evey day, but look at the change over 7 days  then the average over 1 month will be a better indication of how much fat you have lost.  

    Yes please,  send it in   for 1 week and this time please put down the time it was that you exercise, eat any food, and any drink.  

    to help you with fiber, try for smaller portions of the hi fiber foods, on their own,  with an interval of 20 minutes minimum to 2 hours, spread out during your day,  example, if your having wholemeal bread, then eat it and set  your smart phone reminder to go off after 20 minutes before you consume anything else,  even water, this will give time for you to digest it better.  

    Chew your food more to reduce gas. 

    Vvitimins are not your problem, coconut water is no benefit in your condition,  and your Ensure plus is also no benefit.  Get your health to improve with normal food, not an artificial shake or powder. 

    Once you remove all the strange things you are eating and drinking, then you should consider your medicine to be exercise.  What you are doing is not often enough, exercise  must be daily for it to work for you,   so what you are doing now is is of no benefit,   You will only see benefit if you do it  twice a day, do 10 minutes ( minimum) in the morning and then 10 minutes at night,  every day for 30 days,  not hard exercise,  it just has to be done for those 2 x 10 minute sessions.  Then you to see some real improvement, improvement will give you motivation to continue this.

    there are no web sites for any paid or free full body exercises that I would recommend at the moment. So I still suggest finding some songs or film clips on youtube,  that you like, maybe Madona, or Inexs, ACDC, cool and the gang,  michael jackson,  tina turner, dance music from the 80's is more your demographic, of anything,   just make sure you like it and dance, in your TV room.   You dont need equipment to exercise.  Not in your condition. 

    what you are doing to your self at the moment will only make you go backwards, less healthy
    and feel older, then what you realy are.   


  • 1



    I would be concerned about the cabbage and UC - as it causes wind in normal people. The Ensure is good as easily absorbed for us.

    Increasing fibre can be ok with IBD but ideally I have found soluble fibre can be ok, ie physallum husks on cereal. Definitely don't try to increase it if you are having problems with your disease but if in remission then increasing the fibre might be helpful, just don't overdo it.

  • 3


    Dear Anneabell,
    I suggest you ask your gastroenterologist or endocrinologist to refer you to a Dietitian who understands both these diseases well, to get expert dietary advice that is specific for your needs and medical conditions. There are a number of factors which may be affecting your weight and tolerance to some foods which this forum is not the best way to help you, such as the medication you are taking for both your diabetes and UC, your diabetes control, whether your UC is in remission or active, nutritional state, lifestyle and understanding any food intolerance specific to you and your inflammatory bowel disease. You have also mentioned additional co- morbidities which may also be making it more difficult for you to achieve your goals.
    A Dietitian understands both these disease and medications used to treat these diseases very well and will be able to provide a healthy eating plan for weight loss, meet your nutritional needs and help you manage both your diabetes and UC well. I think you will find this very valuable as there may be many things affecting your tolerance to some foods and weight. For example just one small thing is, it is not so much the amount of fibre but the type of fibre that is important to you as the anonymous post has indicated in one of their posts. A Dietitian will also know the groups of foods that you may not be tolerating well and why, and give you advice on how to help you include these foods into your diet. There are a number of foods that you are eating which may not be helpful for your bowel function , and if you change these you might tolerate more of the foods you are wanting to eat and lose weight.
    Diet for both diabetes and UC needs to be individualised and will not always be the same for other people with the same diseases.

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