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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    how do I lose the 'spare tyre' around my stomach?

    After years of poor diet and too many beer drinking sessions, I have noticed recently that the dreaded spare tyre has definitely caught up with me.

    As a 30yr old male I don't want to wait until its too late/difficult to lose it.
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  • Vangel Rizos

    HealthShare Member

    Hi,  Easy fixed,  You need a customised prgram of diet and exercise.  I would love to give you a few tips but I need more information about you to make the tips more suited to you.   Age, weight, height,  any reasons why you cant exercise ? what  job do you do ?   


  • 2


    I think you are in a good head space to make lifestyle changes for your health-:

    It is important to get started with the right healthcare team that can give you the tools to help you lose weight for life. Start with your GP and get a few base line blood tests that will help motivate you with your journey as these will often change for the better far sooner than your weight. Losing weight is hard but maintaining weight loss is harder.

    Ask you GP to refer you to an Australian Accredited Practising Dietitian who is able to prescribe an individual eating plan which can help you lose weight and monitor your progress.

    Things that you can do now on your own -  
    1/ Start a walking program 30 minutes at moderate intensity 5 x week. This needs to be part of a healthy lifestyle whether you want to lose weight or not.
    2/Start with healthy drinking habits, having 2 alcohol free days and sticking to 2 standard alcohol drinks at one time or reduce further
    3/ Get the Australian Healthy Food Guide www.australianhealthy food to help you with menu planning and simple recipes for meals and snacks.

    Healthy weight is about healthy lifestyle habits that you maintain throughout your life not just to lose weight.
    Losing weight is a journey not a destination- you need to commit to this for the rest of your life.
    Just as much as there are many ways to eat badly, there are  many ways to eat well. You need to find out what works for you. Skip the fad diets while they lose weight in the short term this is never maintained over time.

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