I have had Crohn's Disease in the terminal ilium & duodenum since my early 20's, not diagnosed until I was in my 40's.
I was wondering if the inflammation in the bowel could have caused gynaecological problems I have had since my 20's, such as a bent vagina (I needed to go to gynaecologist for pap smears).
Since treatment began on the Crohn's disease, the vagina is now straight.
When I had my two children, they were both 2 1/2 weeks early - one was born posterior presentation and the other breech.
We always joked that there was something wrong with the plumbing - now I'm wondering if the inflammation from the Crohn's Disease was just pushing all the other organs over?
I was never tested for a reason for my vagina being bent. Has anyone else with Crohn's had these symptoms?
I had a Novasure endometrial ablation in 2010 because of heavy periods (following trying D&C, colposcopy) and have not had any periods since then. For about 18 months I have been experiencing pelvic …
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