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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Why does my blood glucose levels spike much higher than my blood reading after I eat?

    What concerns me, is when I eat, my levels are around 9 and if I eat something like a slice of bread I have readings around 11. However, because my blood test showed a 5.6, I am not required to see the Doctor again.

    I am 60KG, 52 y.o. I run everyday and my diet is vegetarian. I don't drink alcohol or eat high carbs. On occasion I might have a donut or small block of chocolate (because I thought I could). I don't drink fizzies. Obviously, I am now watching what I eat… so that I can keep my levels low (I test with a kit).

    My question is, how come I spike but it does not seem to be of concern with the Doctor. Does everyone spike this high after eating? My only side affect seems to be a numbness/dizziness (like low blood pressure) if I eat bad carbs.
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    As an Accredited Sports Dietitian, APD and athlete (springboard diver), Chris has both professional and personal experience in sport at the sub-elite and elite level.Chris … View Profile

    It's important not to class foods as “good” or “bad” as there is no food that is “bad” for us. Remember food is there to be enjoyed, there are just less nutritious foods. Not to say that you can't have these foods on occasion. We should all be trying to eat the most nutritious and wholesome foods to achieve good health. By including a variety of foods from all the food groups, this will ensure that we consume a variety of nutrients.

    My question to you is how long after you eat are you checking your blood sugar levels? Have you seen a diabetes educator and/or a dietitian before?

    It is hard in this forum to provide individualised advice so you may like to contact an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) for further assessment. You can find an APD by logging onto the Dietitian's Association of Australia website (

  • I am not sure if I understand your question. Do you mean your blood glucose level was 5.6 before your meal and when you test 2 hours after, it goes up to 9 mmol/L - 11mmol/L or is 5.6 your HBA1C?
    Your blood glucose is meant to go up after you eat and is largely dependent on the amount and type of carbohydrate eaten at the meal and also other foods eaten with the meal. How high is also dependant on what it was before eating. Some other factors will also play a part like exercise or medications you are taking . Your GP will also look at a blood test which gives an average of your blood glucose levels over a 3-4 month period called a HBA1C.
    I agree with Chris that you should see both a Dietitian and Diabetes Nurse Educator who will help you understand your blood glucose levels better and how they relate to food even though you are choosing good foods. They can also go over the blood tests the doctor will use to assess your overall control. This will help you understand what your blood glucose goals are and how diet and lifestyle can affect these.

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    Dung is an Accredited Practising Dietitian who currently works in Community Health and Private Practice as a HACC/CH dietitian and Health Coach. She has also … View Profile

    It is normal for your blood glucose levels to rise or as you would say "spike" after eating.

    As mentioned above how high it rises after a meal will depend on a number od things such as Glyceamic index, how much carbs you ate, fat and protein content of the food you ate to name a few.

    The key question as Chris mentioned is how long did you wait before you tested your sugars after eating?

    Your blood glucose levels tend to peak at about 1 hour after a meal so if you tested at that time then its tends to be high.

    We therefore, recommend testing 2 hours after a meal. say you ate at 12pm provided you didnt eat or drink (anything with carbs) in between this time. Your reading should give us a good indicator of your control at 2pm.

    You mentioned your levels were 9 and 11 after meals. I wouldn't stress. Post meals we want the levels to be less than 10mmol/L.

    Testing is a great way to get control of diabetes but your post indicates that it is also causing you anxiety.  Speaking to a Dietitian or Diabetes Educuator can help you with managing your food and blood glucose levels.

    It can also give you a happy medium with your testing without the anxiety.


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