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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Can anything be done about a drooping eye lid?

    My eyelids are uneven and my left one is more droopy than the other, although they're both droopy. What can I do to fix them?
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  • Getting a referral by an optometrist to see an oculoplastics surgeon may be recommended for you to consider a surgical option (if necessary) to make the eyelids less droopy.  A thorough eye exam will determine the best management for you.

  • 29


    A droopy eyelid is usually called Ptosis. The eyelids may appear droopy (pseudoptosis) for a number of reasons, including excess upperlid skin, a mass in the lid, inflammation of the lid, globe malposition (eg a sunken or retracted globe) and many other reasons, Additionally whilst you may feel it is one sided, the condition is often bilateral, as there is only one brain centre controlling the nerve which supplies the muscle in both eyelid which lifts the eyelid. The other side may have a quite dramatic masked Ptosis. There are various causes of Ptosis, some of which are serious and require investigation to exclude serious disease processes. Many of the causes are less serious, and often it is just related to age, or other processes such as contact lens wear, stretching the levator muscle over time. You should see an Oculoplastic surgeon or an ophthalmologist to determine the cause of your droopy eyelid, such that management which may require a simple day surgery eyelid lift, could be offered if required. 

  • 15


    Dr John Mahony studied Medicine at Sydney University 1980-1984 graduating early 1985. Internship and residency years followed in the Illawarra, covering general medical and surgical … View Profile

    If it is truly the lids that are droopy, and not the suprapalpebral hoods, then you need ptosis repair with an oculoplastic surgeon.

    I don't do this, but I've seen it done and the results are great.

    Best approach in mild to moderate ptosis is for the surgeon to operate from *behind* the upper eyelid. This ensures *no scars*. The technique involves the plication of Mullers muscle from behind - done with great precision for a reliable degree of elevation.

    This is really an opthalmologist's or oculoplastic surgeon's operation rather than a straight plastic surgeon's operation: make sure you go to the right guy.

  • 7


    Mr Farhadieh, is a former recipient of the prestigious Surgeon Scientist Scholarship and an internationally renowned and recognised Australian trained plastic surgeon. Most recently he … View Profile

    "Aesthetically, as well as metaphorically, the eyes are the windows to the soul – we communicate so much of our thoughts and emotions with facial gestures centred around our eyes. With passage of time, ageing affects the eyelids, the cheek and the brow. Puffy eyes, lax skin, crow’s feet wrinkles, tired and droopy lids may alter our expression radically. Blepharoplasty alone or as part of more extensive facial rejuvenation surgery addresses many of these problems, restoring harmony and giving a refreshed, alert look."

    Whiilst this often passed of as a simple thing to remedy it is infact a nuanced aesthetic procedure with many variations. We have recently publsihed a comprehensive internationla plastic surgery textbook with 130 international contributors which includes two chapters on eyelid rejuvenation from world experts

    variations of excess skin, fat protrusion and laxity of ligamnets leads to the aged appearance of the eyes. 

    I have a detailed section on my website about this procedure as well.

    I hope this helps. 

  • Look Your Best Without Surgery. Melbourne Cosmetic Medicine is a dedicated cosmetic medical clinic, specialising in non-surgical cosmetic enhancement using the most popular Anti-Wrinkle Injections, … View Profile

    Drooping eyelids are usually due to gravitational changes associated with ageing, but can also be due to many underlying medical reasons. The recommendation would be a referral from your GP to see an occuloplastic surgeon or opthalmologist, for an assessment, and to investigate if there are any underlying medical issues that needs prompt treatment.

    The definitive treatment would be a surgical eyelift, also called an upper blepharoplasty, usually done as a surgical day case. There maybe a Medicare rebate available if the excess eyelid skin is obstructing the patient's visual field, and for medical issues like post-traumatic scarring and facial nerve palsy.

    If the eyelid droop is mild and age related only, and the patient is not keen for surgery at this stage, temporary elevation of the lid and brow maybe achieve by injecting dermal fillers, to restore volume loss in the brow and temple areas. A small amount of anti-wrinkle injections with Botox or similar, can also help relax the muscles pulling down the brow, which will help elevate the brow and lid a little as well.

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