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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Why do I have next to no dorsiflexion in ankle after fracture?

    i recently broke my ankle and have just been cleared for rehab therapy. The physiotherapist gave me a few basic resistance exercised to regain range of movement. I seem to be regaining a little inversion, eversion and planar flex but pretty much none at all for dorsiflexion. Is this normally the case? I am only one week in.
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  • This is quite common following ankle fracture, especailly if there has been internal fixation (pins and plates) or a cast applied. There can be a number of reasons why you may lack dorsiflexion:

    1. Tight calf muscles restricting the range
    2. Restricted capsule and surrounding ligaments
    3. Altered joint position causing bony impact
    You should speak with your therapist to ensure they have assessed for these issues and ask them to explain why you are experiencing this limitation. Possible treatments for these issues could include soft tissue releases, dry needling, joint mobilisation, assisted mobilisation with movement and additional home stretching exercises.

    While exercise and stretching is an important part of the rehabilitation process, it is often vital to get some well performed hands on treatment in the early stages to ensure you regain as much motion as possible.

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