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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Do certain medications effect weight management?

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  • Jessica Webb

    Exercise Physiologist

    If you are on steroids, medications of that end tend to retain fat, but also retain fluid as well.
    So you will find it more difficult to lose weight. Disorders such as glucose intolerance, they will find it very hard to lose weight as well.

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    Gina Mendoza

    Exercise Physiologist

    Yes, certain medications do affect weight management. Anything that has to do with the endocrine system can have an affect on weight management.
    Also, medications for hypertension can have an affect. Again, it depends on the individual because everybody's physiology is different, and people respond differently to certain medications.
    Obviously hormonal replacement medications would be the biggest one.
    Anti depressants and SSRI medications can have a huge impact on their weight. In fact, cortisone-type medications can have a big effect on weight gain too. Things that affect mood. Things that affect hormones. Things that affect blood sugar even. These medications have an effect on the body's balance, and the ability to stabilize.

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