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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    What is causing the sensation of something being stuck in my throat?

    For about a week now i have felt that a piece of hair is stuck down my throat, its very irritating, and although it is not affecting my breathing or eating its really starting to worry me. I have been to the doctors and he obviously couldn't look that far down my throat to see if there really is a hair, but he said my throat looks fine and there's no infection?? what is happening to me? im so stressed out, i have drank water, eaten dried bread and nothing seems to be making it better. what can i do?? should i ask my doctor to refer me to a specialist and have a tube put down my throat?? please any advice would be appreciated.
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    ENT and Facial Plastic surgeon with a special interest in adult and paediatric ENT problems, rhinoplasty, facial plastic surgery, nose and sinus disorders. View Profile

    The sensation of something irritating your throat is a very common sensation. There are a number of causes including an infection (occasionally a fungal infection), laryngopharyngeal reflux (which may occur silently), excessive throat clearing which causes swelling of the larynx and vocal cords and occasionally more serious conditions. We call this sensation “globus pharyngeus”. 

    I would agree with your GP that a specialist review with an ENT specialist is recommended to rule out the more serious conditions and assess if there are signs of laryngopharynx reflux. In the meantime I would advise drinking plenty of water, avoiding throat clearing and avoiding any spicy foods/tea/coffee/heavy meals. 

    Dr Jason Roth
    Paediatric and Adult Ear, Nose and Throat specialist
    Sydney 2000

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