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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    How do I help someone who can't afford medication for epilepsy?

    I am trying to help someone on BBlue who can't afford her anti-epileptic medication as she has ‘general tonic’ epilepsy, she doesn't have any centrelink help and is not working, I have emailed pfizer for help and they say that her doctor can contact them for assisted funds help, but he has now gone, so she is frightened to end up in hospital again. I also have tonic and I know how she feels after a seizure.
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    Established in 1952, Epilepsy Action Australia provides education and support for people with epilepsy, their families and community, and professional groups. These services promote self-management … View Profile

    Medications can be expensive, but there is a pharmaceutical allowance scheme available through your chemist. There may also be some financial assistance through a health care card, so it would be worthwhile contacting a disability officer at Centrelink on 132 717 to inquire about this service.

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