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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Undiagnosed chest pain - could it be costochondritis?

    6 yrs of relentless chest pain following bout of viral pneumonia . NAD on path and radiogical exams
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    Depending on the actual location of the pain, there could be a significant muscle or skeletal component to your pain.  
    There are many causes of chest pain, and not all are caused by the hear tor lungs.
    The fact that you have had this for so long (and the fact that you have seen Dr’s who have referred you for X-Rays and bloods), points to a connection with the ribs, the rib cartilage, the spine or even the nerves beneath each rib.
    I believe you would do well to get an assessment from a Chiro or physio, who can try pin-point the exact nature of the problem, and lead you to a diagnosis.
    Once that is done, if there is a neuro-musculo-skeletal cause, they can present you with a plan or strategy for treatment.
    Good luck, and drop me a line if you have any questions.

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