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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    How can I prepare for managing the change that comes with ageing?

    eg: I am 55 years old, still working and earning money but will be retiring from this role in 8 years. What should I do now to prepare for that time of change
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    Julie Bajic is the owner of Wise Care Pty Ltd, a specialist consultancy specialising in providing psychological services to older adults. Julie and her team … View Profile

    We are living longer than ever before thanks to medical advancement, improved early detection of symptoms and consumer education. With increased life expectancy comes the issue of how can we not only live longer but also ensure our mental health remains in check once we are over 50 years old, approaching retirement or change in living circumstances? 

    In preparing for change it is important to ensure you look after your health both physically and mentally. This includes regular check-ups with your doctor, regular exercise (setting realistic goals) and keeping connected with family and friends. This is also a good time to pick up a new hobby, particularly if you find it difficult to keep up with activities you used to do when you were younger. For example,  replacing bush walking with learning Italian.

    By forming new hobbies, maintaining active and connected with your support network and community you will be one step closer to achieving successful ageing. 

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    Really it is a matter of making sure you look after yourself in all respects. It's important to keep, physically, mentally and socially active. 
    Making sure that you are pro-active with regards to your health. Pay attention to good nutrition as well as ensure you get adequate sleep. Have regular check-ups with your G.P. for you blood pressure, vision, hearing etc.

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    Hi, you have mentioned your age but have made no mention of your current health status, lifestyle neither your gender. A person's health status is determined b a multitude of factors of which only a few are modifiable. As mentioned earlier - average life expectancy is increasing and Geriatricians are facing the challenge of compressing disabilities into the last few years of life.

    Physical exercise plays a very important role in healthy aging and has been shown to improve outcomes in all age groups. Muscle strengthening and Balance retraining exercises have been examined in multiple studies and shown to be beneficial. Tai Chi, yoga and Breathing Exercises may also help in maintaining good health as you age. 

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