Yes. The treatment used on children will often differ from that applied to adults, however, treatment is safe and can be very effective for a range of complaints.
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There is even chiropractors that have further qualifications in the area.
Since significant trauma can occur at birth, many parents choose to have their newborns checked for any spinal health related problems. Later, learning to walk, riding a bicycle, and other childhood activities can cause spinal health related problems.While a bandage and some comforting words can help a skinned knee, the potential underlying structural damage to the child’s spine, skull, pelvis and extremities is the unique domain of a chiropractor.Many childhood health complaints that are brushed off as “growing pains” may be able to be traced to the spine. Regular chiropractic checkups may be able to identify these problems and help avoid some of the health complaints seen later in adults. Naturally, Chiropractic adjusting procedures are modified to a child’s spine, particularly babies.
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Chiropractor, Physiotherapist
Yes and No.
For musculoskeletal conditions those with the appropriate training can help as would an appropriately trained physio, osteo, exercise physiologist and occupational therapist. For non-musculoskeletal conditions, currently there is no good quality evidence to suggest that manual therapy (an intervention used by chiros, physios etc) can help with these types of conditions. Additionally if you are going to go ahead with any allied health profession doesn't matter who it is, always remember to keep your GP or Peadiatrician in the loop so appropriate care is always provided.
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Dr Alex
Chiropractic care is safe for anyone at any age. Different techniques are developed for the adjusting of infants, toddlers and children.
So my answer to this questions is yes and yes.
Chiropractors are trained experts in identifying and address spinal problems that may potentially effect our neural function, a young child or new born can not explain to their parents or anyone else that they are "in pain" or "in need of chiropractic care"
Yet why is it that many people take their child to a chiropractor?
I believe every child should be at least assessed in their infant age and at various stages throughout their growth and development for proper spinal (and therefore neural) function
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I would say, it depends on the condition.
Chiropractors have been well trained to assess and treat musculo-skeletal conditions.
There is a small amount of evidence suggesting that chiropractic care can help with some non-musculoskeletal conditions, but more research needs to be done to make a strong case for this.
Chiropractic care would not harm children, however it may not asssit certain conditions either.
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