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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    What are the best natural methods to increase fertility?

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    Nikki Warren is committed to preconception care, natural fertility, and pregnancy through to postnatal care. Nikki is a degree qualified Naturopath, Medical Herbalist, Doula and … View Profile

    There is no “magic remedy” to increase fertility.  Treating infertility naturally is a very complicated process which involves blood tests to assess any hormone imbalances, nutritional deficiencies and their general health such as liver and kidney function, cholesterol levels, sperm analysis and hair tissue mineral analysis to assess heavy metal toxicity and mineral status and assessing diet and lifestyle issues which may compromise fertility. 

    When I treat infertility, I automatically treat both partners because it is a healthy egg AND healthy sperm which creates a healthy, viable pregnancy and a healthy baby.  I ask both partners to follow a detoxification diet alongside detox supplements for three weeks and by that time usually all of their test results are back.  I formulate a custom made vitamin, mineral and antioxidant powder based on those results and give them a herbal remedy to address any hormone imbalances or other health issues they may have.  I also advise taking good quality fish oils (free from heavy metals) and if necessary, probiotics.  They follow this plan for at least 3 months before they try to conceive.  If their hair analysis showed a high level of heavy metal toxicity then would need to follow this plan for up to a year (sometimes even longer) to get rid of them. 

    Natural fertility is not a quick fix - you need to be dedicated to following the programme and it does cost a lot of money although it is probably comparable to IVF.  Treating infertility naturally, improves your health status as well as treating infertility so it really is value for money.  You can also treat hormonal imbalances (this is one area where herbal therapy is superior to drug therapy, especially for conditions such as PCOS) and detect health issues or potential health issues that people didn't even know they had.  For example, some people have no idea that they have high blood pressure or high cholesterol. 

    There are a lot of people who have come through my clinic who assume that they are healthy because they are very health conscious people - they eat a well-balanced diet, exercise every day, don't drink alcohol, don't smoke….. but then their hair analysis comes back with a high reading for heavy metal toxicity.  This is often the cause of poor sperm morphology (the size and shape of the sperm - sometimes they can have 2 heads or 2 tails!)  Poor sperm morphology does not necessarily make a man infertile - it is possible for sperm with poor morphology to fertilise an egg which creates an abnormal baby and subsequent miscarriage.

    A healthy body is a fertile body, so every aspect of their health is looked at but the main focus is on reducing the body's toxic load, losing weight if necessary (this affects fertility in both partners) or even gaining weight if the woman does not have adequate body fat, balancing hormones  and increasing their vitamin, mineral and antioxidant levels. 

    So, to answer your question - the things you can do without seeing a practitioner - switch to organic or spray-free fruit and veg, drink filtered water (you can purchase an underbench water filter at places like Bunnings), make sure you drink enough water for your weight - to work this out, take your weight and multiply by 0.03, e.g. if you weighed 58kg you would need to drink 1.7 litres of water daily, eliminate coffee from your diet (if you need caffeine, tea is preferable and only one cup daily), eliminate alcohol and exercise every day for at least half an hour.

    As I said before though, i've seen plenty of people who already lead a healthy lifestyle and are still struggling with infertility so if you don't want to waste time see a naturopath who specialises in fertility -

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