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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Can someone help diagnose small blisters upon labia following vitilago?

    I am 74 an have developed small painless blisters on my labia suddenly. I have vitilago on both vulva lips and have done for years. Both the lips and its bottom joint appear to have some abrasion type tenderness, making entry painful. So no intimate relations for months. Also blisters appeared 2 weeks ago.
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    Women's Health Queensland Wide provides free health information for Queensland women. View Profile

    Since these small ‘blister like’ symptoms are new and you have other abrasive tenderness, I suggest you need an examination by a GP who has an interest/experience in Women’s Health. The blisters can be swabbed and a sample sent to the laboratory, and, the skin of the vulva examined.
    This would be a good opportunity to talk about painful intercourse and what treatments may be available to help with this. Many women find using topical oestrogen in the form of a pessary helpful to combat vaginal dryness post menopause. Your GP can assess if this would be suitable for you. Also, if required the GP can refer you to a Gynaecologist o dermatologist.
    You may find this fact sheet helpful. Just click on the link

    Women’s Health Educator
    Health Information Line, Women’s Health Queensland Wide

    Women living in Queensland can also call our Health Information Line - a free information and referral service for Queensland women - on 3839 9988 or 1800 017 676 (toll free outside Brisbane).

    Please note that all health information provided by Women’s Health Queensland Wide is subject to this disclaimer

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    Dr Matthew Palmer is a specialist dermatologist and Fellow of the Australasian College of Dermatologists. After completing his Bachelors of Biomedical Science, and Science with … View Profile


    I agree with the previous advice that examination by your general practitioner should be the first point of call to enable accurate diagnosis.  Often people can feel a little uncomfortable with problems 'down below', though there are a number of conditions that may cause blistering and pain, and a proper diagnosis cannot be made over the internet unfortunately.  Importantly, this should enable appropriate treatment to get things feeling better for you.  A dermatologist opinion may be necessary, though your GP will see if they feel this is needed.  Vitiligo does not usually cause blistering, so it is likely it is either a new problem superimposed on pre-existing vitiligo, or it may be that the colour change, pain and blistering are all due to a single condition, such as lichen sclerosus.

    The website above is an excellent resource for women with vulval concerns, and has lots of good general information, though I'd strongly recommend seeing your own doctor. I wish you all the best.

    Kind regards, Matthew.

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