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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Where do I start getting help for my depression?

    In recent months, I have had many stresses in my life, things have just overwhelmed me. I am now thinking I would be better off not around, when I go out I feel everyone is looking at me and lately, I have had a couple of episodes during the night which have been scary……tight in the chest, breathing bad and feeling “panicky”. I know all this isn't normal. I am scared for myself and scared to find help as I think people will talk about me or I might lose my job if anyone there finds out I am not coping. I am in a responsible health related position and should be the one on top of things but I am failing miserably and losing confidence in myself and my work abilities. I am feeling depressed. I can't even talk to my husband about it. He sees any illness as a weakness and would worry more about loss of income (if I took time off work) rather than me so I keep everything to myself. I have no close friends. i am even afraid to see my GP. I don't want to be labelled as a failure
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  • My research interests include immunology and the mechanisms of amyloid formation. The latter has implications for people who are dealing with Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease … View Profile

    First off, depression is not a “weakness” and there is no way that you are a “failure”.

    GPs vary a lot in their understanding of mental health issues - some are good, others are not.

    It might help if you checked out  the beyondblue site ( It is searchable for GPs who have experience in working with clients who have mental health issues - you might be able to find somebody like that who is geographically convenient for you.

    All the best.

  • Walk and Talk is just what you need to begin living a life that you love. I'm Karen Amos and at Walk and Talk Australia … View Profile

    It's very clear from your query that you are overwhelmed with life at the moment.  Dr Simon has made a great suggestion in guiding you to look at Beyond Blue.  The information there is very much suited to where you are at.  In looking at that site, you may begin to see that you are not alone.  

    As you have said, your symptoms can be scary.  And they are even more so when we don't understand what is happening to us.  

    The truth is that you don't have to be alone and you can chose to ask for help.  That helper may be your GP, a counsellor or a psychologist.  And don't be afraid if the first person you see is not ‘right’ one for you.  There are alot of us ‘helper’ type people out there and it is important for you to feel comfortable in sharing what the stresses of your life are.  It was probably hard to even post your message on Healthshare.  So ‘Well Done’ on reaching out on line.  Hopefully, amongst the answers you read here, something will stand out to you and you can begin to step into feeling better sooner rather than later.

    Kaz Amos

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