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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Should I be seeing a psychiatrist?

    I got prescribed anti-depressants (Pristiq) over a year ago by a doctor. They suggested a referral to a psychologist who did basic CBT. She clarified a few issues for me but everything she suggested (deep breathing, positive thinking, exercise etc) I had already figured out and started doing by myself so I stopped going to the appointments. On the rare occasion that I go back to the doctor, usually to get another prescription printed out, they'll ask me “So how are these drugs helping you?” And I say “yeah, generally good” and they say ok and print it out.
    I've never seen a psychiatrist and my doctor doesn't seem interested in trying to manage my medication or illness. Not to be racist or prejudice or anything, but I don't think they understand English particularly well.
    What should I do? See a different doctor? Go see a psychiatrist and pay for it myself? I'm living off my parents with no government benefits and trying to get a job but I really have no money to pay for it myself.
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    GPs vary a lot in their understanding of mental health issues. Some are good, others are not.

    I suggest that you check out beyondblue (

    It is searchable for GPs where you live who have documented experience of helping people with mental health issues.

    All the best.

  • RileyAndro

    HealthShare Member

    Thanks for the link. I had a look but unfortunately couldn't find any GPs or psychiatrists near by (I'm kinda rural).

    However I did a bit of googling and found a GP clinic near by that sounds like they have brilliant doctors, several which have backgrounds in psychology and mental health. 

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