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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Can I loose weight without exercise?

    An MRI has confirmed I have Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction (PTTD), I see an orthopaedic surgeon soon to see what options I have for getting back on my feet but unfortunately for now being on my feet causes swelling and increased pain so I have been living a more sedentary lifestyle which has added to my weight gain. Not being able to get around properly is depressing, then add to that constant pain, I find myself indulging in comfort foods to alleviate the pain, boredom and frustration. I have taken the step to join WW on-line to get my eating on track but I'm still concerned and frustrated about my inactivity. Can I loose weight sticking to WW points plan without exercise?
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    Currently on maternity leave. I specialise particularly in musculoskeletal rehabilitation (my thesis investigated exercise and chronic knee pain), though I have extensive experience in metabolic, … View Profile

    The short answer is yes. Good diet control is key for losing weight (exercise obviously helps), but what you are missing out on is the other benefits that come from regular exercise eg. reduced risk of metabolic and cardiovascular conditions, improved bone health, decreased risk of cancer etc. There is also less chance of you looking toned as this comes from doing resistance exercises. I would suggest a better option would be to see someone about a more appropriate exercise routine for your condition to use in conjuction with a healthy diet. Exercise physiologist are qualified in this area, to find one near you head to the ESSA website and conduct an area search.

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    Same as above the short answer is yes. As I have mentioned to my clients, physical activity is very important. People who do regular physical activity reduces their risk of many chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers. In addition, as we grow older, regular physical activity is very important in reducing the risk of falls and fractures (in combination with other dietary requirements as well!). I agree with Samantha in seeking out a exercise physiologist. 

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