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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Any Laparoscopic Myomectomy Surgeons in Sydney/Melboune/Brisbane?

    Is is for the removal of large multiple fibroids, on a 32 year old female, who would like to conceive in the future. Any recommendations? How much does it cost? Does Medicare help?
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    Dr David Rosen is a Specialist Endoscopic (Keyhole) and Robotic Surgeon with expertise in; Prolapse and Incontinence surgery, Endometriosis, menstrual disorders including complicated Hysterectomies by … View Profile

    There are many very good laparoscopic surgeons in all those places capable of laparoscopic myomectomy and indeed we would encourgae you to explore those options rather than having a laparotomy (large cut) which we feel is unecessary for all but the very extreme fiborids. I however am unable to give you names on this forum as I am one of those surgeons!

    In terms of cost, it can be done throught the public health system but the waiting time will depend on the individual surgeon, whether they have a public hospital appointment and the length of their waiting list. Obviously it wiould be quicker and you can choose your surgeon through the private hospital system. there would be gap payments on top pf your health insurance but once again, that would have to be discussed with the individual surgeon.

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