I would advise you both engage in counselling. Find someone you will be comfortable with in sharing your concerns and discussing the situation you both now find yourselves in.
Rather than debating who is at fault you both need to consider the following during your counselling sessions:
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to your account or now (it's free).Clinical Psychologist, Psychologist
There are probably two issues here for me. One is that you are experiencing depression, and you need to pay attention to that so that you don’t become seriously ill and the other is how you deal with the marriage breakup and how you process what happened. The next question I’ll ask you is what feeling did you get from buying him things and making him happy. How do you get those same feelings in yourself instead of looking to someone else to give them to you? A good starting place is to reflect upon the things that you can do that will soothe and calm you and that can actually help your depression as well. Think about what you like to do that will make you feel good on the inside and pursue that. You may discover that you don’t like yourself very much and if that’s the case, make sure that you go and talk to a counsellor about it, so you can explore more about who you are and discover what’s good about you. I hope that at the time you will find happiness within yourself.
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to your account or now (it's free).Counsellor
Your situation is complex and I suggest you get some support from a Counsellor to help you cope. Financial worries, depression and the ending of a marriage are all big issues. If you see an experienced couples counsellor he/she will help you both to air your feelings and you will be able to explore your motives and the underlying issues around the over-spending so that your ex-husband gets to understand you more. It sounds like this is your highest priority right now, getting your ex-husband to understand your behaviour. It will help you also to understand and clarify for yourself your own behaviour so that you can begin to rebuild your life. You need help for your depression. It is a common thing to think that we can make others happy but your husband's happiness is his responsibilty. It sounds like it is time for you to focus on making yourself happy. To do this you need to get to know yourself from the inside which can be scary. It seems easier to focus on making others happy than doing the work on ourselves. Good Luck.
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