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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    What could be causing the numbness down my arm into my palm?

    I have had accompanying pain in the rear of my shoulder and neck. Can't remember any injury to associate it with. Been there for around a month.
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    Special interest include; Wellnes,nutrition, physical exercise, headaches and sports injuries. My aim is to improve the wellness and health of all my clients. View Profile

    Numbness is a sign of nerve encroachment or irritation. Irritation can be anywhere along a nerve, e.g. Neck, brachial plexus, or carpal tunnel. My advice would be to get it assessed as neural irritation can be associated with more serious conditions and can even progress to decrease in muscle strength and muscle wastage. Either see your gp or similarly a chiropractor should be able to diagnosis and recommended treatment options. 

  • 1


    As a Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist, with extensive experience and highly advanced qualifications, as well as excellent communication skills, I can help you to: Become informed … View Profile

    Arm symptoms Hi

    these types of symptoms can come and go after you do something to irritate the nerve anywhere between the neck and your wrist. Rarely may it be a symptom of a medical problem.

    I agree with Dr Miller - if symptoms persist or worsen arrange a consultation with a qualified professional in the allied health field to find out the cause and what you can do to help yourself or to have appropriate treatment.

    As a Specialist physiotherapist, my role is to help diagnose, treat and advice you on medical investigation and advice if I think that more appropriate.

    Helen Potter Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist, In Touch Physiotherapy, Subiaco WA

  • calvarykid23

    HealthShare Member

    Thanks so much for the advice. I have seen my gp and xrays have revealed a compressed disc at c3/4. A course of antiinflammatories has settled the symptoms, but i'd like to know if there is anything else I can do to prevent recurrence. Thanks again!

  • Dr Danny Diab is situated at Proactive Spine & Sports Medicine in Narellan NSW. His clinical interests extend far beyond the traditional neck and back … View Profile

    Numbness, tingling or pins & needles are always suggestive of some sort of nerve compression or irritation. 

    Considering the symptoms you have mentions (pain in the rear of your shoulder and neck), the numbness in your arm and palm is most likely coming from your neck.

    An injury in the neck (usually a disc injury) usually causes pain into the inner aspect of the shoulder blade as well as the localised neck pain.
    The nerves from your neck travel down either arm and into the hands and fingers. So any compression or irritation of these nerves in the neck can cause numbness down to the arm and hand.

    It is always difficult making a specific diagnosis over the internet, and so it is imperative that you consult a Qualified Health Professional (chiropractor, osteopath or physiotherapist) to perform a complete orthopaedic and neurological examination to determine the exact cause of your pain and numbness and implement a specific treatment plan for your condition.

    Danny Diab
    Chiropractor Narellan

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