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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    What are the Treatments for Subserosal fundal fibroid?

    I am 28years old, had a baby boy who is 8 months old.
    When I was pregnant, I come to know that i had subserosal fundal fibroid, which has grown very rapidly in size.
    In my latest scan says: “The uterus is averted and bulky. It measures 9.6x3.9x6.2 cm.
    It is not mobile and nontender. the myometrium is heterogeneous. A large subserosal
    fibroid is demonstrated, measuring 12.4x9.4x8.8 cm in size. The endometrium is distorted by this fibroid and not well visualised. There is a sliver of anechoic free fluid within the pouch of Douglas.”

    Can you suggest me any options on this? Thanks so much.
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    Women's Health Queensland Wide provides free health information for Queensland women. View Profile

    Subserosal fibroids grow from the outside wall of your womb into your pelvic cavity. They can become very large. In many cases fibroids do not cause any symptoms. However, if you are having symptoms you need to discuss your treatment options with a specialist. 
    Treatment may vary according to symptoms, type and size of fibroids, rate of growth, desire for future fertility and personal preference.
    You may be advised to adopt a wait and see approach – this is that you are monitored regularly to access rate of growth or any change in symptoms
    In some circumstances medication may used
    There are numerous surgical options, the nature and type of which  will depend on the type of fibroid, size, symptoms, your age and desire for future pregnancies etc.
    Women’s Health Educator
    Health Information Line, Women’s Health Queensland Wide
    Women living in Queensland can also call our Health Information Line - a free information and referral service for Queensland women - on 3839 9988 or 1800 017 676 (toll free outside Brisbane).
    Please note that all health information provided by Women’s Health Queensland Wide is subject to this disclaimer

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    Dr Yogesh Nikam

    Gynaecologist, Laparoscopic Surgeon, Obstetrician

    Dr Yogesh A Nikam is a Specialist Gynaecologist, Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgeon who understands that no woman’s body or experiences are the same, which is … View Profile


    Congratulations on your baby!

    Fibroids are one of the most common gynaecological problems. They affect 20-25% of women worldwide, and about 3-5 % of women will require surgical removal. Fibroids are generally in one of the 3 locations

    • subserosal - fibroids growing from the outer surface of the uterus
    • intramural - fibroids growing in the muscle wall of the uterus
    • sub mucosal - fibroids growing inside the uterine cavity

    Fibroids may cause these three issues

    • Heavy periods (menorrhagia) / Abnormal uterine bleeding severe enough to cause iron deficiency anemia.
    • Pelvic pain (pressure symptoms): Large fibroids at particular locations can cause these symptoms. Painful periods or painful intercourse may also be associated with the presence of fibroids. Increased frequency of urination OR difficulty opening bowels.
    • Sub-fertility (difficulty achieving pregnancy)

    Your ultrasound reports a relatively large 'sub serosal 'fibroid (12.8 cms - A newborn baby's head size is about 10 cm). Generally, Subserosal fibroids do NOT distort the endometrial cavity. Intramural and sub mucosal may! You probably need a good quality ultrasound or an MRI to know the precise location of the fibroids.
    Finally, You only require treatment if you have symptoms, which I suspect you may be experiencing given the size of the fibroids. You have multiple options for treatment depending on the symptoms, your future pregnancy needs, etc. The chance of a cancerous change in the fibroid is low, however this risk can vary with your etinicy and medical history. 

    If you get a chance, please read about fibroids on my website page

    You should see and follow up with a specialist gynaecologist who is also an expert in fibrois, who can monitor your symptoms and the size of the fibroids and give you the appropriate advice. 

    Hope this helps

    Dr. Yogesh Nikam

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