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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    How do I achieve hormonal balance post hysterectomy?

    I had total hysterectomy May 2011. I have been on premique, oestrogel started with 2 squirts and ended up with 6, premarin 1.25, elleste solo 3mg and now 19 days into estradot .50. Stopped taking testogel 19 days ago. I am still suffering mentally with depression, anxiety, foggy head, fatigue and migraines and vaginal atrophy. Any advice on achieving hormonal balance as now I am at my wits end.
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    Women's Health Queensland Wide provides free health information for Queensland women. View Profile

    Many women who have a hysterectomy including removal of ovaries can experience more severe menopausal symptoms. However, one cannot assume that all or some of the symptoms you describe are as a result of menopause. At mid-life women often having to juggle a lot of balls in the air at the one time which can lead to stress and sometimes depression. It is important that other disorders are not impacting on your symptoms - as an example, -  Thyroid disease. I am not suggesting this is your problem just pointing out that it is important to have a ‘whole of life’ approach when dealing with some of these symptoms and feelings. Therefore I feel it is vital to see a Dr. with an interest/experience in Women's Health issues.
    You have been on a lot of different medications and from their names I can see that you live in the UK. I would encourage you to go a specialist such as a Family Planning Clinic.
    Also it is common for any HRT treatment to take time to be effective therefore persistence is required.
    Women’s Health Educator
    Health Information Line, Women’s Health Queensland Wide

    Women living in Queensland can also call our Health Information Line - a free information and referral service for Queensland women - on 3839 9988 or 1800 017 676 (toll free outside Brisbane).

    Please note that all health information provided by Women’s Health Queensland Wide is subject to this disclaimer

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