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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    What are the benefits of internet dating?

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    I'm so busy with work and don't go out much that I have trouble meeting potential boyfriends. I've had very few relationships and I'm at the age where I'm ready to settle down but worry that I will never find anyone. I know online dating is becoming more popular but I feel a bit silly giving it a go. Is it worth a shot?
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    Dr Susan Rowe is a Director of Mindhack psychology clinic where she also works as a clinician. Dr Susan is a specialist in providing effective … View Profile

    It sounds as though you are wanting to increase your social activities and there are many ways to do this including meeting people over the internet. 

    The most important thing to consider is your safety. If you do decide to try internet dating then there are some important things to do to ensure you maintain your safety. Some things you may consider are:

    • Communicate and become familar with the person for a period of time before agreeing to meet
    • Meet during the day time on the first instance
    • Meet in a very public place
    • Call a friend or family member before hand and tell them when and where you are going and what time you expect to be home. Perhpas also organise for them to call you during the “date” and establish a safety word that you can use if you feel unsafe. 
    • Ensure your mobile phone battery is fully charged and accessable.
    Trust your instincts as you are the best expert on what is appropraite for you. 

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    Michelle Linmore

    Counselling Psychologist, Counsellor, Psychologist, Sex Therapist

    If you want to partner and settle down but are having trouble meeting potential boyfriends it is really important to try doing something different to increase your chances.

    It's definietly not silly to give internet dating a go as more and more couples are meeting this way and it makes sense given our busy lifestyles.  Other options might be to let close friends know you are looking (they may introduce you to some nice guys), join an interest group which includes single men, or just push yourself to take up or create more social interactions, thereby upping your chances of meeting Mr Right.

    I would caution against relating purely online for very long as it is so easy to fall in love with a fantasy and so important to hear someones voice, smell their scent and look into their eyes to really know if you could build a future together.  

    Good luck!

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    I am a Melbourne Relationship Counsellor and Family Lawyer who is skilful in helping people get out of the pain of relationship distress and create … View Profile

    As already stated the benefits of internet dating are varied. Many people do find meeting people over the internet to be a useful way to connect with people. As mentioned aove it is good to use common sense methods to protect yourself. That said, the benefits may be that you get out of a rut, that you generate some good fun times, meets some different peope and you may or may not meet a life partner. However, you can increase your opportunities by giving it a go and the old adage comes to mind nothing ventured, nothing gained. Beware of safety risks and be open to new opportunities. Good Luck!

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