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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Can yoga help me sleep better?

    I have difficulty falling asleep at night and I wake up too early in the morning.. probably due to stress.. I try to exercise when I can but thought something more relaxing such as yoga could help.
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  • Dr Barnes has competed specialty training in sleep medicine and is currently working at the Austin Hospital in Melbourne. Dr Barnes’ current research focuses are: … View Profile

    There is some evidence that yoga can be helpful for people with insomnia. It should not be done within 2 hours of going to bed, best to do it in the morning.

  • Often enough, we do not know our own mind. In the process of dialogue with another person, we are able to clarify what we think … View Profile

    Yes yoga can help - although there are different styles of yoga and some are better for people than others depending on your age, level of flexibility, general state of health find a yoga teacher with recognised qualifications and talk to her/him about their experience and training ….The other thing to remember is that it is not a quick fix. I agree with the answer above in that too much stimulating exercise later in the day isn't helpful for sleep so vigorous or dynamic yoga styles may be better in the morning.
    I would say give yoga a good go for a few months and then reap the benefits of the practice for stress management, sleep and overall happiness !

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