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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    I think I suffer from depression but it could be just anxiety/stress?

    I feel like I'm living a double life and I'm not like others my age, who are enjoying life? I feel like I'm in nightmare that I can't wake up from but it's not a nightmare it's reality. I feel like I want to crack my skull open and just cry bur then sometimes Im fine and life's great. I have never worked in my life and now I'm expected to just suddenly find a job. I have just been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and I'm on medication for my aterial flutter. Sometimes I feel so confused and guilty about my life, I want more but this feeling inside of me doesn't make matters any easier.
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  • Brendan McMahon is a Brisbane based psychologist who has been working in the counselling and psychotherapy field since 1999. He has experience in both hospital … View Profile

    That's something that's not uncommon sometimes people can think that they are depressed and actually they are just really anxious or under a lot of stress. Sometimes it can be useful to look at the actual symptoms of depression. Some people will have trouble separating sadness from feeling depressed. It might be useful for you to and see your GP, and actually talk about your feelings and help sort out as to whether these are from anxiety, depression or stress. Because you mention here in the question that you have been diagnosed with type II diabetes, there is definitely a need to go and see a GP to check out the physical side of your problems, to see if it might be related to your diabetes or if your medication might be affecting you in anyway.

    There are a number of things you can do to help reduce your stress levels. One thing might be for example, to engage in mindfulness meditation and to get out and go for some regular walks everyday. One thing might be to remind yourself of some of the positives that you have in your life. Try to maintain a good sleep pattern and healthy eating.

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