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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Can diet reverse type 2 diabetes?

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    Personally experienced diabetes and coeliac dietitian. Marchini Nutrition is a dietitian service set up to help those with or at risk of diabetes and coeliac … View Profile

    • This depends on how long you’ve had type 2 diabetes as it is a progressive disease. If you are newly diagnosed and are able to control your blood sugar with diet and exercise, then in about 60% of cases the diabetes can be reversed but will always remain as a risk in your life so you need to stay on top of it.
    • Evidence-based guidelines say that weight loss of at least 5-7% is the most important predictor of risk reduction for Type 2 diabetes and can be effective for Type 2 diabetes prevention. Also, lifestyle interventions that incorporate energy restriction, low fat diets, quality carbohydrates (whole grain and low glycaemic index) and increased physical activity can effectively reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes in high risk groups.

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