Exercise Physiologist
Yes there is a link between type 2 diabetes and heart disease as both are considered to be lifestyle related conditions. This means that factors such as diet, inactivity, smoking and alcohol all are strong contributors to the diseases. . Once you have one of the conditions, the risk of developing the other is also increased.
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Dietitian, Nutritionist, Sports Dietitian
As Carmel has said there is definately a link between the two. To add, often type II diabetes results from being overweight or obese. This is because as the bodies fat (adipose tissue) increases, in particular around the organs, it releases hormones and inflammatory markers (or cytokines) which have an affect on insulin sensitivity leading to insulin resistance and eventuall type II diabetes (put simply).
These hormones and cytokines also affect the blood vessels which can lead to atherosclerosis, which leads to high blood pressure and eventually heart diesease. As Carmel noted, factors such as diet, physcial activity, smoking and alcohol can all contribute to your risk of developing heart disease and type II diabetes.
More more expert dietary advice, seek help from an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD). An APD can help you to better understand your condition and provide you with dietary strategies to help you to live a long healthy life. To find an APD, go to
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Dietitian, Nutritionist
Absolutely. In fact the most common cause of death in diabetes is cardiovascular disease and if you have type 2 diabetes your risk of heart disease is at least doubled. The risk posed by high blood glucose levels isn't just isolated to those with diagnosed diabetes but also in those with pre-diabetes -and most people don't even realise they have higher than normal blood glucose levels (and best estimates say this is 1 in 4 Australian adults). In short, having high glucose levels creates an inflammatory environment in which atherosclerosis can thrive. It's important that you keep tabs on your cholesterol (AKA blood lipids) and your blood sugar levels to take evasive action ASAP and that evasive action is waist-reduction, a heart and diabetes-friendly diet and an active lifestyle. If you're after great recips that fit the bill, check out Heart Food available online at
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Cardiologist (Heart Specialist)
Yes. It's been established now for more than 40 years that if you have diabetes, you're at greater risk of getting coronary heart disease, be it a heart attack, angina, or the need for bypass surgery. Even if you've had a heart attack, having diabetes increases your risk of having further problems over the next few years.
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