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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    What type of exercise is healthy for someone with cardiovascular disease?

    Is it even ok to exercise? If so, what kind?
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    Lillian Bull is an Exercise Physiologist with Active Partnerships, a private practice in Mosman, Sydney. Lillian has been working in the health and fitness industry … View Profile

    If your condition is stable and have been given clearance by your GP to exercise, it is generally recommended people with cardiovascular disease undertake regular moderate physical activity that is sustained long term to reduce CVD related morbidity and mortality. Aerobic exercises such as walking, cycling helps to deliver blood to the heart, reduce stress on the heart and blood vessels, and improve overall quality of life.  

    The specific type of exercise may differ slightly for each individual, however studies that have included a combination of moderate-intensity aerobic and resistance (strength) based exercise showed improvements in aerobic fitness, muscle strength, and body composition.

    It is improtant to seek advice from an exercise physiologist who will assess each patient individually, based on their current level of activity and medical history, to prescribe a safe and effective exercise program.  

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