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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    How can I incorporate exercise in my life if I have fibromyalgia?

    I suffer from chronic pain due to my condition. What type of exercises can I do?
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  • Anonymous

    Hi I'm in the same situation and unfortunately can't exercise. I have been advised to try Tai Chi.

  • Bernard Lim

    HealthShare Member


    If you are unable to exercise, try the SilverMink whole body vibration massager. There are clinical studies overseas that have favourable results on the effects of the whole body vibration exercise on patients with Fibromyalgia.  Many people with Fibromyalgia, CP, MS in Australia have found the SilverMink WBV massager beneficial. 

    You can now rent the SilverMink whole body vibration massager for 3 months from $60 per month and do the exercise daily at your convenient time in the comfort of your home. It is safe (listed on Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods) and simple to used. NO PHYSICAL EXERTION & NO MEDICATION REQUIRED. It is also economical, no appointment required & no transportation cost and time.

    Should you find it beneficial within the 3 months and decide to buy over the massager, the rental paid is deducted from the purchase price

    The SilverMink WBV massager is currently used by physiotherapists nationwide in Australia, nursing home & retirement villages and individuals with MS, CP, Fibromyalgia & many other health disorders.

    For more information, visit or call (02) 9747 2886.

  • 1


    I am an accredited Exercise Physiologist and have worked with a variety of clients including chronic disease, general population, athletes and corporate/workplace. To give a … View Profile

    Hi to both the anonymous posters Fibromyalgia is a very complex condition and is difficult to diagnose and treat. I am assuming that both of you have been given advice from your GP in regards to how to best manage your condition.

    In terms of exercise, you have to attempt to establish a routine and build on it. The routine maybe only 10 minutes every third day. You are the best person to know how you are feeling and what you are able to deal with at this point in time.

    As far as what type of exercise, to begin with start with a light activity and as your body becomes used to this you can slowly increase the difficulty. Once again it depends on what you can cope with, most activities will not be dangerous so it's just what you are able to do. The trick is to retrain the brain and increase activity and difficulty slowly over time.

    So… some things you can try, yes Tai Chi, walking and limb movements (swimming if you can) in a pool, walking, light weight strength activities or maybe some activities around the house like gardening. When prescribing exercise with a client that has your condition I would initially discuss with them what activities they enjoy doing and then tailor this to what they are able to cope with.

    I have a link to a good video on youtube discussing pain (you may have already seen this), its located on my website.

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