Credentialled Diabetes Educator (CDE), Diabetes Educator
Uncontrolled type 2 diabetes results in a range of complications throughout the body. These include an increased risk of heart attack and stroke and poor circulation to your feet. Also type 2 diabetes that isn't controlled can also result in kidney failure, eye complications that can affect your sight and damage to nerves in your body that may result in lowered sensation such as pins and needles or numbness in your feet, for example.
The take home message however, is that if you keep your blood glucose levels, cholesterol levels and blood pressure to the recommended levels, you can dramatically reduce your risk of these complications.
This means working closely with your doctor, and diabetes educator to work out the appropriate levels for you. There is also much that you can do to reduce your risk of complications and live a healthy life. If you are overweight, gradually losing that weight as appropriate can make a big difference to your health. Similarly exercise is amazing in helping to lower your risk of heart attack and stroke, assist with weight loss and generally improve your health.
There is a lot of support available to help you to stay healthy. Other members of your team to help you include exercise physiologists and podiatrists. Your doctor can refer you as part of a GP Management Plan and many podiatrists and exercise physiologists will bulk bill with a referral, saving costs.
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Dietitian, Nutritionist, Sports Dietitian
Great response from Claire above, just to add, an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) is a crucial member of your support team. APDs work along with your GP, diabetes educator and other allied health professionals to give you the best support.
APDs are able to provide you with individualised dietary advice and medical nutrition therapy for type 2 diabetes in which is outside of the diabetes educator, GP or other allied health professional's qualifications.
Just a few of the services/information an APD can provide someone with diabetes includes:
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